Una parte de los miembros de la Plataforma se dedican a la investigación y la docencia, y dedican tiempo y esfuerzo tanto a demostrar científicamente los beneficios socioambientales y servicios ecosistémicos que nos prestan la ganadería extensiva y el pastoreo como a estudiar los principales problemas que esta actividad atraviesa y a proponer y probar posibles soluciones.
En este apartado de la web planteamos una pequeña recopilación de estudios científicos relevantes de los últimos años sobre ganadería extensiva y otras materias relacionadas. Estos artículos contribuyen a proporcionar una base sólida a los contenidos que trasladamos a nuestros materiales divulgativos y publicaciones técnicas.
Se trata, por supuesto, de una sección abierta y destinada a mejorar colaborativamente; si conoces materiales relevantes y actualizados, puedes enviarnos la referencia a secretaria@ganaderiaextensiva.org
Castro, J., Castro, M., & Gomez-Sal, A. (2021). Changes on the Climatic Edge: Adaptation of and Challenges to Pastoralism in Montesinho (Northern Portugal) . Mountain Research and Development , 41 (4), R29-R37. h
Dean, G., Rivera-Ferre, M. G., Rosas-Casals, M., & Lopez-i-Gelats, F. (2021). Nature’s contribution to people as a framework for examining socioecological systems: The case of pastoral systems . Ecosystem Services , 49 , 101265.
Díaz-Gaona, C., Sánchez-Rodríguez, M., & Rodríguez-Estévez, V. (2021). Assessment of the sustainability of extensive livestock farms on the common grasslands of the natural park Sierra de Grazalema. Sustainability , 13 (4), 1818.
Elsa Varela, Fernando Pulido, Gerardo Moreno, Miguel Á. Zavala (2020) Targeted policy proposals for managing spontaneous forest expansion in the Mediterranean Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(12) First published: 15 October 2020
Fanlo Domínguez, R., & Taull, M. (2018). Response of Pyrenean subalpine pastures to continuous warming an annual sporadic variations . International Journal of Naural Resources Ecology and Management, 2018, vol. 3, núm. 6, p. 97-105 .
Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Oteros-Rozas, E., & Ravera, F. (2021). Spanish women pastoralists’ pathways into livestock management: Motivations, challenges and learning . Journal of Rural Studies , 87 , 1-11.
Gutiérrez-Peña, R., Fernández-Cabanás, V. M., Mena, Y., & Delgado-Pertíñez, M. (2018). Fatty acid profile and vitamins A and E contents of milk in goat farms under Mediterranean wood pastures as affected by grazing conditions and seasons . Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 72, 122-131.
Herrera P. M. (2016) El uso pastoral como alternativa de gestión de los hábitats vinculados a los rebollares ibéricos. Pastos. Vol . 46, Núm. 2 (2016)
Insausti, K., Beldarrain, L. R., Lavín, M. P., Aldai, N., Mantecón, Á. R., Sáez, J. L., & Canals, R. M. (2021). Horse meat production in northern Spain: Ecosystem services and sustainability in High Nature Value farmland. Animal Frontiers , 11 (2), 47-54.
Leroy, F., Fabien Abraini, TyBeal, Paula Dominguez-Salas, Pablo Gregorini, Pablo Manzano, Jason Rowntree, Stephan van Vliet (2022) Animal board invited review: Animal source foods in healthy, sustainable, and ethical diets – An argument against drastic limitation of livestock in the food system. Animal, 16:3
López-Sánchez, A., Roig, S., Dirzo, R., & Perea, R. (2021). Effects of Domestic and Wild Ungulate Management on Young Oak Size and Architecture. Sustainability , 13 (14), 7930.
Losada MR , Santiago-Freijanes JJ, Rois-Díaz M, Moreno G, den Herder M, Aldrey JA, Ferreiro-Domínguez N, Pantera A, Pisanelli A, Rigueiro-Rodríguez A (2018) Agroforestry in Europe: a land management policy tool to combat climate change , Mosquera- Land use policy, 2018 – Elsevier,
Manzano P, White SR (2019) Intensifying pastoralism may not reduce greenhouse gas emissions: wildlife-dominated landscape scenarios as a baseline in life-cycle analysi s. Clim Res 77:91-97.
Muñoz-Ulecia, E., Bernués, A., Casasús, I., Olaizola, A. M., Lobón, S., & Martín-Collado, D. (2021). Drivers of change in mountain agriculture: A thirty-year analysis of trajectories of evolution of cattle farming systems in the Spanish Pyrenees. Agricultural Systems , 186 , 102983.
Navarro, A., & López-Bao, J. V. (2018). Towards a greener common agricultural policy . Nature ecology & evolution , 2 (12), 1830-1833.
Oggioni, S. D., Ochoa-Hueso, R., & Peco, B. (2020). Livestock grazing abandonment reduces soil microbial activity and carbon storage in a Mediterranean Dehesa . Applied Soil Ecology , 153 , 103588.
Osoro, K., García, R. R., Martínez, A., García, U., & Celaya, R. (2019). Los incendios forestales y la ganadería extensiva en el monte asturiano . Boletín de Ciencias y Tecnología , (54), 317-348.
Pardo, G., Casas, R., del Prado, A. et al. (2023). Carbon footprint of transhumant sheep farms: accounting for natural baseline emissions in Mediterranean systems. Int J Life Cycle Assess. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-023-02135-3
Pasetti, F., Serrano, R., Manzano, P., & Herrera, P. M. (2023). Accounting for pastoralists in Spain. League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (LPP) . http://www.pastoralpeoples.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Accounting4pastoralists-ES.pdf
Peláez, M., San Miguel, A., Rodríguez‐Vigal, C., Moreno‐Gómez, Á., García del Rincón, A., & Perea García‐Calvo, R. (2022). Using retrospective life tables to assess the effect of extreme climatic conditions on ungulate demography. Ecology and Evolution , 12 (1), e8218.
Pérez, R. D. G., Sendra, M. J. M., & López-i-Gelats, F. (2020). Strategies and drivers determining the incorporation of young farmers into the livestock sector. Journal of Rural Studies , 78 , 131-148.
Rodríguez-Rigueiro, F. J., Santiago-Freijanes, J. J., Mosquera-Losada, M. R., Castro, M., Silva-Losada, P., Pisanelli, A., … & Ferreiro-Domínguez, N. (2021). Silvopasture policy promotion in European Mediterranean areas . Plos one, 16(1), e0245846.
Ruiz, F. A., Vázquez, M., Camúñez, J. A., Castel, J. M., & Mena, Y. (2020). Characterization and challenges of livestock farming in Mediterranean protected mountain areas (Sierra Nevada, Spain) . Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(1), e0601-e0601.
Velado-Alonso, E., Gómez-Sal, A., Bernués, A., & Martín-Collado, D. (2021). Disentangling the Multidimensional Relationship between Livestock Breeds and Ecosystem Services . Animals , 11 (9), 2548.
Vicente, F. M., & Azqueta, D. (2019). Development strategies to implement environmental contracts in silvopastoral systems. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales-Agricultural and Resource Economics , 19 (2), 47-70.