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Publicaciones de investigación

Una parte de los miembros de la Plataforma se dedican a la investigación y la docencia, y dedican tiempo y esfuerzo tanto a demostrar científicamente los beneficios socioambientales y servicios ecosistémicos que nos prestan la ganadería extensiva y el pastoreo como a estudiar los principales problemas que esta actividad atraviesa y a proponer y probar posibles soluciones.

En este apartado de la web planteamos una pequeña recopilación de estudios científicos relevantes de los últimos años sobre ganadería extensiva y otras materias relacionadas. Estos artículos contribuyen a proporcionar una base sólida a los contenidos que trasladamos a nuestros materiales divulgativos y publicaciones técnicas.

Se trata, por supuesto, de una sección abierta y destinada a mejorar colaborativamente; si conoces materiales relevantes y actualizados, puedes enviarnos la referencia a

Castro, J., Castro, M., & Gomez-Sal, A. (2021). Changes on the Climatic Edge: Adaptation of and Challenges to Pastoralism in Montesinho (Northern Portugal)Mountain Research and Development41(4), R29-R37. h

Dean, G., Rivera-Ferre, M. G., Rosas-Casals, M., & Lopez-i-Gelats, F. (2021). Nature’s contribution to people as a framework for examining socioecological systems: The case of pastoral systemsEcosystem Services49, 101265.

Díaz-Gaona, C., Sánchez-Rodríguez, M., & Rodríguez-Estévez, V. (2021). Assessment of the sustainability of extensive livestock farms on the common grasslands of the natural park Sierra de Grazalema. Sustainability13(4), 1818.

Elsa Varela, Fernando Pulido, Gerardo Moreno, Miguel Á. Zavala (2020) Targeted policy proposals for managing spontaneous forest expansion in the Mediterranean Journal of Applied Ecology, 57(12) First published: 15 October 2020

Fanlo Domínguez, R., & Taull, M. (2018). Response of Pyrenean subalpine pastures to continuous warming an annual sporadic variationsInternational Journal of Naural Resources Ecology and Management, 2018, vol. 3, núm. 6, p. 97-105.

Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Oteros-Rozas, E., & Ravera, F. (2021). Spanish women pastoralists’ pathways into livestock management: Motivations, challenges and learningJournal of Rural Studies87, 1-11.

Gutiérrez-Peña, R., Fernández-Cabanás, V. M., Mena, Y., & Delgado-Pertíñez, M. (2018). Fatty acid profile and vitamins A and E contents of milk in goat farms under Mediterranean wood pastures as affected by grazing conditions and seasons. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 72, 122-131.

Herrera P. M. (2016) El uso pastoral como alternativa de gestión de los hábitats vinculados a los rebollares ibéricos. Pastos. Vol. 46, Núm. 2 (2016)

Insausti, K., Beldarrain, L. R., Lavín, M. P., Aldai, N., Mantecón, Á. R., Sáez, J. L., & Canals, R. M. (2021). Horse meat production in northern Spain: Ecosystem services and sustainability in High Nature Value farmland. Animal Frontiers11(2), 47-54.

Leroy, F., Fabien Abraini, TyBeal, Paula Dominguez-Salas, Pablo Gregorini, Pablo Manzano, Jason Rowntree, Stephan van Vliet (2022) Animal board invited review: Animal source foods in healthy, sustainable, and ethical diets – An argument against drastic limitation of livestock in the food system. Animal, 16:3

López-Sánchez, A., Roig, S., Dirzo, R., & Perea, R. (2021). Effects of Domestic and Wild Ungulate Management on Young Oak Size and Architecture. Sustainability13(14), 7930.

Losada MR , Santiago-Freijanes JJ, Rois-Díaz M, Moreno G, den Herder M, Aldrey JA, Ferreiro-Domínguez N, Pantera A, Pisanelli A, Rigueiro-Rodríguez A (2018) Agroforestry in Europe: a land management policy tool to combat climate change, Mosquera- Land use policy, 2018 – Elsevier,

Manzano P, White SR (2019) Intensifying pastoralism may not reduce greenhouse gas emissions: wildlife-dominated landscape scenarios as a baseline in life-cycle analysis. Clim Res 77:91-97.   

Muñoz-Ulecia, E., Bernués, A., Casasús, I., Olaizola, A. M., Lobón, S., & Martín-Collado, D. (2021). Drivers of change in mountain agriculture: A thirty-year analysis of trajectories of evolution of cattle farming systems in the Spanish Pyrenees. Agricultural Systems186, 102983.

Navarro, A., & López-Bao, J. V. (2018). Towards a greener common agricultural policyNature ecology & evolution2(12), 1830-1833.

Oggioni, S. D., Ochoa-Hueso, R., & Peco, B. (2020). Livestock grazing abandonment reduces soil microbial activity and carbon storage in a Mediterranean DehesaApplied Soil Ecology153, 103588.

Osoro, K., García, R. R., Martínez, A., García, U., & Celaya, R. (2019). Los incendios forestales y la ganadería extensiva en el monte asturianoBoletín de Ciencias y Tecnología, (54), 317-348.

Pardo, G., Casas, R., del Prado, A. et al. (2023). Carbon footprint of transhumant sheep farms: accounting for natural baseline emissions in Mediterranean systems. Int J Life Cycle Assess.

Pasetti, F., Serrano, R., Manzano, P., & Herrera, P. M. (2023). Accounting for pastoralists in Spain. League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (LPP).

Peláez, M., San Miguel, A., Rodríguez‐Vigal, C., Moreno‐Gómez, Á., García del Rincón, A., & Perea García‐Calvo, R. (2022). Using retrospective life tables to assess the effect of extreme climatic conditions on ungulate demography. Ecology and Evolution12(1), e8218.

Pérez, R. D. G., Sendra, M. J. M., & López-i-Gelats, F. (2020). Strategies and drivers determining the incorporation of young farmers into the livestock sector. Journal of Rural Studies78, 131-148.

Rodríguez-Rigueiro, F. J., Santiago-Freijanes, J. J., Mosquera-Losada, M. R., Castro, M., Silva-Losada, P., Pisanelli, A., … & Ferreiro-Domínguez, N. (2021). Silvopasture policy promotion in European Mediterranean areas. Plos one, 16(1), e0245846.

Ruiz, F. A., Vázquez, M., Camúñez, J. A., Castel, J. M., & Mena, Y. (2020). Characterization and challenges of livestock farming in Mediterranean protected mountain areas (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(1), e0601-e0601.

Velado-Alonso, E., Gómez-Sal, A., Bernués, A., & Martín-Collado, D. (2021). Disentangling the Multidimensional Relationship between Livestock Breeds and Ecosystem ServicesAnimals11(9), 2548.

Vicente, F. M., & Azqueta, D. (2019). Development strategies to implement environmental contracts in silvopastoral systems. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales-Agricultural and Resource Economics19(2), 47-70.